Altus Rotary Club Newsletter

October 22, 2024
Volume 1 Issue 7
Mark Your Calendars
  • 10/29  Rotarian of the Day will be Steve Hartgraves with a program from Robin Garmon, Head Pharmacist at Altus Walgreens
  • Junior Rotarian for the month of October is Jack Henry Darby. Jack Henry will be at Band Contest this last week of October.  We wish Jack Henry and That Altus Band safe travels and good luck!  
  • 10/31 4PM Spooky Town Trick-or-Treat - Altus Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 120
  • 10/31 5PM Trick-or-Treat with the Pioneers - Western Oklahoma State College
  • October 30 - November 2 is early voting for Oklahoma.  Click Here for places to vote early.
  • Last week our ROTD was Gary Brickley and his guest was Katherine Funaki, CASA SW Oklahoma
  • We were visited by David Bond, Vice President for Advocacy with the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs.  David shared that their website was up and running and asked everyone to review the Supreme Court Justices voting record in order to make an informed decision on Election Day.
  • There will be a club vote regarding changes/no changes to the Altus Rotary Club Jr. Rotarian Scholarships.  Information was sent via email last week.  There will be information provided at the noon meeting.  Discussion and questions will be encouraged.
  • October 24th has been designated as World Polio 
  • Consider inviting a friend to Rotary. If you are interested in sponsoring a new member CLICK HERE
Mike Duffy
Rachel Beckner
Scot Davis
Time To Celebrate
Rotary Anniversaries
Blake Darby
7 years on 10/24
Last Week's Program
"Every year, thousands of children in Oklahoma are removed from their homes because of evidence of abuse and neglect. They are uprooted from the only family they’ve known, taken out of school, and away from friends. In short, their worlds are turned upside down. Going through the child welfare system is scary, and no child should do it alone." - CASA SWOK
Our program this past week was CASA SW Oklahoma. We were introduced to Advocate Kat Funaki, who has been with CASA since 2014.
Court-appointed special advocates (CASA) advocate for abused children. CASA enlists volunteers, who are appointed by judges, to advocate in court for children who are in foster care. These volunteers do not represent DHS, the court, or the parent. They are solely there for the child. An advocate will attend court with the child and stay with that child until the case is settled. They also attend meetings with social workers, counselors, and physicians.
Kat tells us that CASA's biggest need is volunteers. There are 677 children in foster care in SW Oklahoma. This includes the counties of Jackson, Stephens, Comanche, Cotton, Greer, Jefferson, and Oklahoma County. Currently, there are only 36 volunteers. With so few volunteers, only 84 out of the 677 children received services. 
Executive Director, Cindy Saval, has been with the program since the 1980's. For her, these children and their situations are personal. She said that each volunteer has their own story or own reason for volunteering. Search your heart; do you have a story?
Volunteers are the number one need, Kat said that CASA is in need of monetary or in-kind donations. Kat also ask that we share their posts and help to spread their message.
CASA will be having two fundraisers. Please click the link for more information on how you can participate.
          Playhouse Raffle      Oreos & Ornaments
Last Week's Rotarian of the Day

Last week's ROTD was Gary Brickley. Gary grew up a "military brat," with his dad serving in the U.S. Army. The family settled in Lawton. Gary attended Oklahoma University School of Engineering and then took a summer job. The job required a lot of traveling but he never in Southwest Oklahoma.

While on vacation, Gary visited family stationed at Altus Air Force Base. He applied for a job and made Altus his home for the next 10 years. He then moved back to Norman and enrolled in the College of Engineering, where he received his degree. 

Like it does with so many, Altus called Gary to come back home and in 2003, he was hired by Gene Dreschler. Gary said that taking the job with Gene made sense since he was able to follow many of his previous clients there. In 2013, Gary became an owner of the company and has had a successful career.
Gary may not be local to Altus, Oklahoma, but he has been a valued member of the community. Gary and his wife, Cheryl, serve as DHS foster parents. With his kind spirit and a heart to serve, Gary has made an excellent addition to the Altus Rotary Club.

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