"Every year, thousands of children in Oklahoma are removed from their homes because of evidence of abuse and neglect. They are uprooted from the only family they’ve known, taken out of school, and away from friends. In short, their worlds are turned upside down. Going through the child welfare system is scary, and no child should do it alone." - CASA SWOK
Our program this past week was CASA SW Oklahoma. We were introduced to Advocate Kat Funaki, who has been with CASA since 2014.
Court-appointed special advocates (CASA) advocate for abused children. CASA enlists volunteers, who are appointed by judges, to advocate in court for children who are in foster care. These volunteers do not represent DHS, the court, or the parent. They are solely there for the child. An advocate will attend court with the child and stay with that child until the case is settled. They also attend meetings with social workers, counselors, and physicians.
Kat tells us that CASA's biggest need is volunteers. There are 677 children in foster care in SW Oklahoma. This includes the counties of Jackson, Stephens, Comanche, Cotton, Greer, Jefferson, and Oklahoma County. Currently, there are only 36 volunteers. With so few volunteers, only 84 out of the 677 children received services.
Executive Director, Cindy Saval, has been with the program since the 1980's. For her, these children and their situations are personal. She said that each volunteer has their own story or own reason for volunteering. Search your heart; do you have a story?
Volunteers are the number one need, Kat said that CASA is in need of monetary or in-kind donations. Kat also ask that we share their posts and help to spread their message.
CASA will be having two fundraisers. Please click the link for more information on how you can participate.